LAST UPDATED 4/2/2022 to clarify cancellations due to legality.
You may return most new, unused/unopened items sold and fulfilled by within 30 days of purchase for a full refund, minus actual shipping costs. We’ll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect item, etc.).
If you need to return an item, send an email to [email protected] and we will guide you through the return process.
Order cancellations are allowed as long as your order has yet to be advanced to a shipped status. We can either credit your account for the full amount or return it via the payment method used. Orders paid for with a Credit Card will be subject to a 6% cancellation fee. We can accept cancellations on backordered items until the item has advanced to a shipped status, however there will be a 10% cancellation fee if the item is already inbound from a distributor. Cancellation fees on a backordered item will be remain at the base rate if the item can still be cancelled by us on the distributor level.
Automatic cancellations -
All hazmat items shipped by Bobcat Armament require a hazmat surcharge to be added to your cart. All orders that include a hazmat item must also be shipped UPS Ground. All hazmat items have a required field that you must acknowledge before you can add the item to your cart that explains that your order will be cancelled if not followed. If you place an order that requires a hazmat surcharge to be added, yet do not add the surcharge, or do not choose UPS Ground, your entire order will be cancelled and refunded, minus any applicable processing charges. Processing charges will be 6% for credit card payments, and 4.5% for PayPal payments.
All ammunition shipped by Bobcat Armament must be shipped by either UPS Ground or FedEx Ground. As such, all ammunition pages have a required field that you must acknowledge before you can add the item to your cart that explains that your order will be cancelled if not followed. If you place an order that includes ammunition and do not choose either UPS Ground or FedEx Ground, your entire order will be cancelled and refunded, minus any applicable processing charges. Processing charges will be 6% for credit card payments, and 4.5% for PayPal payments.
Cancellations due to legal reasons -
It is the responsibility of the customer to research and obey all applicable local, state, and federal laws in regard to the possession, use, and sale of any product purchased from Bobcat Armament. If any order is placed with Bobcat Armament that is determined to be illegal for Bobcat Armament to fulfill, the order will be cancelled and refunded, minus any applicable processing charges. Processing charges will be 6% for credit card payments, and 4.5% for PayPal payments.